Saturday, December 20, 2008

Yoda... the name Faith suggested for the baby today. I think I like Jensen's suggestion of "UGGHHH" better.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Funny Faithism

Early yesterday morning I went and did some power shopping at Fred Meyer (they were having great sales until noon). When I came home, Jensen's bed was all made. I told Faith "Thank you for making Jensen's bed. What a nice thing to do." Her response, "I didn't do it." Then with a very surprised/shocked look on her face, "Mommy, daddy must have learned how to make the bed!"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


No picture to go with the post, but Faith ACTUALLY sat on Santa's lap this year. In the past, she literally hits the floor screaming if she knows he's anywhere near. Joe and I were super excited that she so willing hopped up on his lap (actually we had to pry her off). That is until we heard what she told Santa she'd like...a real horse bridle. The problem....WE DON'T HAVE A HORSE. She says that's okay, she'll just use it as decoration until she get's one soon. Great. She did mention some other things she'd like that she plans to send in a letter. A real cowgirl outfit, a stage for singing and dancing on, anything horse related, and more Christmas ornaments. Jensen...he just wants tractors.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Picaso In The Making

A friend of mine from work offered her easle for us to try for a bit. I thought about getting the kids one for Christmas, so this is a perfect way for us to try it out first. Well, it's been a big hit. Especially with Jensen. He's been hard at work making art with dry erase markers all day. He only needed one reminder to ONLY color on the white board...we consider that a success! :) The picture below shows Jensen working away right before bathtime. And the one below...shows what happens when mom turns her back just long enough to change the laundry. Ahem...yes...he did also color on his "private parts."

Faith's Hair Cut

Anyone see Jensen's Dumb And Dumber hair cut last spring? You know, the one where he looked like Lloyd from the movie? The hair cut that I specifically asked the lady NOT to cut his "bangs" (do you call them that on a boy?) straight across, NOT to make it look like a bowl cut and NOT to use shavers on him? Apparently NOT was like that sarcastic "Not" people did back in the 90's, because she did them ALL.

Anyways, check out Faith's hair cut. What do you think? Does it top the Lloyd look of last spring? When I told my friend Cori to go check out Faith's hair she came back and said, "Oh my gosh...she cut her OWN hair!" Wrong. I paid for that cut. Good money, too. SEVENTEEN DOLLARS TO BE EXACT! What a disaster. Why? Why would I consider taking my daughter to some "hole in the wall" on a whim? We are strictly a Mango's family from now on. Unless I can convince Delanah to cut kids hair, too.

Poor girl. The good thing is she's oblivious and LOVES her new look. Another good thing...she has no idea that I came home and hid in the bathroom and cried.

Oh, Christmas Tree

We had a great time getting our tree this last weekend. However, it was really weird searching for our annual Charlie Brown tree without any snow. The past 6 years our search typically consists of heading up in the mountains, hitting snow really soon, and me picking out the first tree I see that actually has multiple branches for fear of going any further and either a)getting stuck or b) sliding off the hillside into some deep dark ravin where and no one ever finding us buried in all that snow in our white pick up truck. Ah...the fond memories of Christmas past.

This year it was a different story. Like years past, Joe and I were up bright and early packing up snow pants, long underwear, extra clothes, hats, mittens, scarves, sleds, hand warmers, etc. I was sneaking in overnight survival gear (blankets, flashlights, matches, food, can opener) "just in case." We headed up hopeful at finding at least a decent tree and finding some snow for the kids to sled in while we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows with the Clasen Family. We drove and drove and drove as we admired all of the great trees. Soon we were to the top with only a drift of snow in sight. The weather was absolutely beautiful and I must say... So is our tree! We don't have a Charlie Brown tree this year!!!! The branches are actually strong enough to hold ornaments further out than 2 inches from the trunk. AND we didn't have to "shape it" into a Christmas tree shape before bringing it into the house. It's a GREAT tree.

After finding our perfect tree (and we really got to be very picky this year) we met up with the Clasen's. The hot dogs, cocoa, and SMORES were delicious. Before we knew it the kids were stripping off layers down to their t-shirts. So much for Joe and I's packing efforts...and no we didn't need my survival gear either! :)

As much as I sound like I'm complaining about our trees in the past, I really wouldn't trade the experience and tradition for anything!

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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Twelve Good Men...

Faith, Kylie, Jensen and I had a great time making gingerbread men cookies this morning. The kids were so helpful rolling the dough and stamping the cookies out. They played so nicely waiting for the oven timer to beep letting them know it was time to decorate their gingerbread men. However, when the timer went off...there were no cookies to be found in the oven. Only 2 empty cookie sheets!!! Faith ran around scream "Bad, bad girls!" While Kylie said, "Bad, bad boys!" Jensen just ran around shreeking. Eventually all 19 gingerbread men were found and lovingly decorated. Some as boys, some as girls and some as something unrecognizable. Each of the kids ate a cookie and Joe had 4. The rest of the men were relaxing peacefully on their plate. What a fun time we had!

I had a staff meeting at school that day. Around 4 pm Joe called with some sad, sad news. The news was given with a hysterically crying Faith in the background. Apparently, Jensen had takent the lives of the remaining Twelve Good Men. Yes, our sweet, cuddly, loveable boy drowned each of the remaining men in the kitchen sink. I guess you could say that Twelve Good Men were lost at Sea that day.

Thanksgiving Weekend

Lots of fun with ALL of the cousins in Vancouver at Grandma Becky's. Not many pictures to go with the post, but wanted to document that this is the first time since our wedding, almost 7 years ago exactly, that all 5 siblings from Joe's side of the family have been together. The story's were hilarious, the laughs endless, and the memories forever! We missed Michelle's husband Nick, but it was a blast seeing all 11 kids together again...soon to be 12 when we add ours! :) (In Order from oldest to youngest:) Hunter, Tanner, Caitlin, Brenna, Wade, Alyssa, Harry, Ladd, Faith, Jensen and Arden had a great time! The photo above was our adult attempt to get them all to take a photo break from clowning around in Grandma Becky's studio. As you can see we weren't very successful!

Jensen Turns Two

In honor of our "Baby" can he already be two? It has gone by so fast. The day of his birth story started out like many other winter Saturdays in our family of then three. Joe, Faith and I had a great day together riding around in our new mini-van that we had purchased on Thursday (yes...I did hyperventilate in the parking lot before going in to look at them, but fitting another child in my Toyota Tercel just wasn't going to happen, despite the 35-40 mpg that it got). We visited the Thorp fruit stand, drove around out in the country, went for a couple of walks (there wasn't any snow yet) and then settled in for the evening to watch a movie together. We let Faith decide what we would do that evening. She chose to watch Pirate's of the Caribbean (why we let our 2 year old watch this I don't know) and do a foot soak with mom (hey...I wasn't going to argue this one).

I'd been having braxton hicks contractions for a few days and was already dilated to a 3 at this point (November 18Th). During the movie my contractions began to be quite regular and my water began to leak. After putting Faith to bed and monitoring things for a bit we decided to call my sister and head to the hospital. They admitted me, but after a hot bath my contractions were non-existent by the next morning. Our fabulous Dr. decided that since we were already there it would be best to just go ahead and induce me and not confuse Faith by coming home with no baby.

Things went really quickly and smoothly, minus the pain (later had an epidural) and Joe's stinky fish breath (I strongly suggested brushing his teeth) from eating fish and chips in the cafeteria. With little complications, Jensen Carl Rotter Boy (Faith's name for him) entered the world, in two pushes, at 3:18pm weighing 7lbs 5oz. He was so darn cute from the moment he was born. His cord was around his neck, but it didn't cause any complications...Praise the Lord!

We were so worried about how Faith would take to her new little brother, but she came bounding into the room, little pig-tails in, dolly in hand and said in the most excited voice, "It's my brother! Get up mommy. Let's play!" She's been this excited to be his brother ever since. Earlier in the day she told Auntie Sarah, "my mommy's water broke, but it's okay because Daddy can fix it."

Since Jensen is 24 months old here are 24 current things about him:

1) He's a little guy, weighing in at 23lbs fully clothed. He's in the 10th percentile for weight and 90th for height.
2)Not a big eater (hence #1), but some of his favorite foods are vanilla yogurt, avocado, noodles, bananas, and anything packaged or processed.
3) Loves his binky...only at bedtime these days.
4) Wakes up happy everyday. Every morning he comes running down the hallway, laughing with is binky, his blue blankie.
5) Loves to cuddle...especially in the morning before he revs up for the day!
6) OBSESSED with tractors. Anything big with big wheels (tractors, diggers, plows, etc.) is automatically a TRACTOR and he SCREAMS this word!
7) Very coordinated and agile. There's nothing he can't climb to the top of or his mother a heart-attack on a daily basis.
8) Can't resist tacking Faith if she is anywhere near the ground.
9) Loves to shoot bows with his daddy.
10) Enjoys building with Duplo blocks and wooden blocks.
11) Hilarious boy...he makes us laugh all the time and knows just what to do to get out of trouble.
12) Takes pride in harassing the cat...poor thing, but then again the cat isn't smart enough to run away either.
13) LOVES, LOVES, LOVES his sister and the feeling is mutual. Any time he gets a snack or special treat he has to be sure to ask for one for sissy, too.
14) Has to have something in his bed with him every night. Not always the same thing, but just something. Things have included my cell phone, one of his camo boots, tractors, doll house toys, stuffed animals, etc.
15) He's taken after his mother and is obsessed with the vacuum...sometimes he even gets it out himself.
16)Says "owie" for anything he doesn't going night, night.
17) Great sleeper. Takes a 2-4 hour nap daily (unless he's with daddy...he's got his "number") and usually sleeps about 11 hours at night. PLUS he goes to bed easily.
18) LOVES Thomas the train and all things train. "Choo-Choo" movies are a BIG hit in our house these days.
19) Obsessed with his Papa's. He talks about them all the time and always wants to talk to them on the "oone."
20) Not great with words, but sure knows how to let us know what he wants.
21) Likes to tell "secrets." He pulls us in close and whispers a bunch of mumbles in our ear and then laughs hysterically!
22) Sits on the coffee table to watch TV. Usually cuddled up with his blankie.
23)Prefers to wear only boots. Good thing we have lots of pairs...three pairs of rubber boots, one pair of cowboy boots and one pair of snow boots. Also really loves his train conductor hat!
24) Has a "lip" like you wouldn't out if he doesn't get his way. It's heartbreaking when that thing comes out!
24) The SWEETEST little boy in the world!!!!
24) Loved by everyone.

I know that was 3 24's but I could go on and on about this little guy!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Got Tagged

I got tagged......

My friend Gina tagged me and I am supposed to list 6 random things about myself so here goes! Not sure I actually have 6 "random" things, but I'll do my best.

1.) I LOVE a clean house. One of my favorite smells in Pine-Sol. In my "perfect" world, I can get up to my spotless, Pine-sol smelling house and sit on my couch enjoying a cup of coffee all the while noticing the vacuum lines on my carpet. I can't stand leaving the house if the beds are unmade. I've even been known to come home at lunch and double-check to be sure Joe made them, if he's the last one up. Is this a sign of OCD???? I guess I could have split that up into almost 6 post.

2.) I am not a big TV watcher. Not that I don't like it, I'd just rather be doing something else. The only show I really look forward to (and I don't even always watch it) is Grey's Anatomy.

3.) If it were practical I'd have 10 kids...LOVE having kids and being a mom!

4.) I am a big chicken. When Joe is gone, I sleep with the bathroom light on. Double check to be sure all the doors/windows are locked, keep Faith in bed with me (Jensen doesn't sleep well with anyone else), and have both my cell phone and the home phone in the room with me.

5.) I enjoy cooking and baking. I like to try new recipes (usually do one a week) and plan my meals out each week. Guess I just enjoy food. Along with this, I love a bargain on case you didn't notice in previous posts. :)

6.) One of my biggest fears is that my children will get some sort of life-altering illness. Even though I truly believe God has already laid out the destiny of each and every one of us. I often wonder if I get so "attached" to blogs/caring bridge kids with illness (heart disease, cancer, etc.) because I'm preparing myself for something like this. Or, is it just my personality? It pains me to no end to hear of a child suffering. On the other hand, I easily cry when they have successes (like Baby Mia's new heart yesterday)!

I tag anyone who's willing to hop on board!

This Boy

This Boy is about to turn 2! How can it be? He's sitting here cuddling on my lap as I write this. He starts each morning by running down the hall, giggling, binkie in one hand, blue blankie in the other. He is a "lover" through and through. Lots of hugs. Lots of kisses. Lots of cuddles. If he ever gets a treat (i.e. a cookie) he has to be sure that Faith get's one, too. Don't get me wrong...his sweetness is completed by his 100% "ALL BOY" personality. A true climber, wrestler, truck-"driving", dirt lovin' kind of kid. He's current obsessions are tractors and trains. He also LOVES wearing hats, especially his train conductor hat. And let's not forget his favorite camo-rubber boots. Apparently they go with EVERYTHING!

Still More...

More September and October Pictures

September & October Catch Up

September and October have been CRAZY around our house. I've had the pleasure of "trying out" working full-time, while my friend who I team-teach with is on maternity leave. It's been a LONG time since I've been full-time. Even LONGER since I've been full-time, with two kids at home, pregnant, and had Joe out of town LOTS. Okay...that last part has never actually happened until this year. Joe is always gone lots this time of year, but that's about the only truth. It's been a great experience working full-time, because I've gotten to know the students really well and I'm reaffirmed in our decisions for me to be half-time. It's always felt right personally, but I have kind of questioned it professionally. Now I know for sure...half-time it is for me! I'm looking forward to many things in the next few weeks; Thanksgiving, teaching half-time AND my husband being home more! Yippee!!!

Anyways, as you can see, I'm way behind on blogging. Here is a quick post with some pictures from the past few months. Included are Halloween, Our "trip" to the North Bend Train Station (Jensen's OBSESSED with trains and tractors right now), fall baking with Faith, and just some other random pictures. I have no idea how to put lables under the actual pictures. Any suggestions?

For Halloween Faith was a 50's Girl and Jensen was a last minute Train Conductor. He was supposed to be a bat, but there was no way he was leaving the house with THAT thing on!

Flying, Zion, and The Flower Girl-October 2-5th

We had LOTS of first in our family for this trip. We all flew on an airplane. Yep, 12 hours from the time we left our house to the time we got to the hotel, but we did it! The kids did an amazing job all things considered. I got all worked up and anxious for nothing. Faith's ears were fine. Packed enough snacks. Bought/brought enough new toys. Jensen didn't totally annoy any of our "neighbors" on the plane! It's a really small space to contain a 22 month old!!!

We flew into Las Vegas and drove from there to Zion National Park for Uncle Peter's wedding!!! Zion was beautiful and Jacqueline and Peter's wedding was even more beautiful...especially the Flower Girl!

Friday, September 19, 2008

It's A Boy!!!!

We can now start thinking of more original names then "Number 3!" And no...his name will not be "Uggghhh," as Jensen has previously said.

We had the ultrasound tech. print out a picture of the baby and attach to a gender appropriate scrapbook page and wrap up in a gift bag, without reveling it to us. (Side note: we were both so sure it was a girl, that I didn't even make a cute boy page.) Faith and Jensen then got to open it at home. Faith was sure it was a girl because "that's what I prayed for," (her words) and even though pulled out the "boy" page told us it was a girl. She said, "B is for Baby. Not Boy!" She's thrilled now though. Jensen wanted nothing to do with the whole process and ripped the page out of Faith's hands and stomped on it...let's hope he turns around a bit before baby arrives.

Here is a picture from the day. And yes...Faith WAS wearing a very adorable "girl" outfit, but changed into her "baby finding out outfit" just before opening the present. Who knew that Daddy's fishing hat was part of a "baby finding out outfit..."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Faith's description of her first day of preschool at Jack and Jill's House, "It was AMAZING! When do I get to go back?!?" So glad she loves school.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

"Oone" (Phone)

For some reason, last night, Jensen would not go to bed unless he got to take my cell phone (the "One" in his words) with him. So being the great parents we are, we conceded. Yes, our son slept with his binky, his blanky, an empty cup (he cuddles it after he drinks his warm milk), and my cell phone. About an hour after he had fallen asleep, I walked by and heard this muffled half-asleep, half-awake "one?" "One?" I go in there and he's searching for it in a stupor. I re tuck him in with the "one" in hand and he's a happy little camper. This happened a couple more times throughout the night. Joe and I couldn't help, but laugh. Now the question...does anyone have an extra un-used cell phone??? I'd like mine back at some point!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Little Stinker

Jensen has turned into a bit of a "Stinker" lately. Always climbing-yesterday it was on the kitchen counter. Still not sure how he managed to get up there since there was not a chair/stool/etc. in sight. Into everything, including my make-up, lotion, brown sugar. The bad thing is...he's just to darn cute to get mad at. If we tell him "NO" in a firm voice, he turns his head to look over his shoulder and looks at us with these devilish little eyes, from the corner of his eyes.

Today, we were playing in the backyard, I had stepped inside to refill water bottles, when Faith starts screaming at the top of her lungs, "YOU'RE A BAD BOY! A BAD, BAD BOY!" I run outside to find Jensen laughing hysterically at about 10 of Faith's stuffed animals that are now floating in the pool. You see, the problem is, Faith thinks these animals are "real." And her "friends" don't know how to swim. Uh-oh! Faith and I did manage to rescue and resuscitate each and every one of her friends. I did manage to snap a picture of a few of the last victims when Faith wasn't looking. They are currently lounging in the sun with a cold beverage in hand, while the "BAD BOY" is napping. Oh wait. That's my day dream sneaking in there. At one time or another each of Faith "friends" have gone somewhere with us. At this time, there are 4 buckled into the back of the van. She dresses them up, names them, plays with them, changes their clothes, changes their names, takes them on walks, etc. I was never a "stuffed animal kid," so it's not something I can relate to, but I do think it's really cute. And hey, these "friends" give me one more excuse when we are running late. Oh, and waiting on those little buggers to all be buckled in has made us late before!

Different topic. Remember in my last post (just yesterday) about the poop issue. Well, it happened AGAIN today. This time thankfully we were outside. Jensen's came walking over with dog poop on his bare foot. Problem is we don't have a dog! Apparently, his waterlogged diaper fell off, he pooped, and then stepped in it. Thank goodness we were outside. I sent Faith in for soap and scrubbed him down in the hose. Not his favorite shower, but it worked!

Funny Faithism: "Daddy, there's a giant spider in my room! Don't worry it's just little. It's a mama short legs!"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Fun Day

Today was one of those perfect days, with just a slight "bump" in the road. Faith and I were up bright and early and enjoyed breakfast outside in the crisp temperature. After breakfast Faith was working on painting on the deck and I got some housework done while Jensen was still asleep. I love mornings like this. Then...Jensen woke up. In less then 3 minutes he managed to wreck havoc on our peaceful morning. I got him out of crib and took his anchor-like diaper off. He went screeching down the hall, bare buns, to see what Faith was up to. Upon coming out of his room with a fresh diaper I notice a GIANT turd on the living room floor. Faith didn't think this was so cool and her "foot soak" (in the living room) was upset at this time. While I'm cleaning up the artifact left by the little one, he proceeds to dump the bucket of water all over the coffee table and carpet. I manage to get him in a fresh diaper and send him outside with Faith. Look out the window and he's painted himself and finished off his morning work by dumping the paint water (black) over his head. Lovely Jens. A morning bath is a great idea, but let's work on the quality of the water. All I could do was laugh at this point.

However, the "bump" passed quickly and we had a great day complete with haircuts for the kids, lunch with grandma, a trip to Louie's U-pick corn, and ended the day at a concert in the park. Great day!!! I've included a few pictures, but didn't manage to capture our morning on film.

Funny Faithisms lately:

Yesterday, as were passing DQ: "Phew. I sure am hot! Why don't you swing on into Dairy Queen and pick me up an ice cream."

While Watching Olympics: "I'm going to win a medal for Gym-Nasinecs." (our friends last name is Nasinec)

Watching the Sunset: "Look everyone! That's God smiling at us. He's telling us he loves us!"

"People get old and their hair gets short and then they go to heaven."

"I'm going to wear my dukini (bikini) today."

(Almost) Camping

Don't know why, but we have yet to brave camping this year. Possibly the ongoing morning/all day sickness I've had. It's so much more fun to lay around on the couch and feel sorry for yourself for weeks on end. Nothing like it.

The first weekend in August, Joe's cousin was home (Tacoma) visiting from Wyoming. The family was all getting together at Alder Lake, near Eatonville for a camping trip. Joe couldn't go, but I had actually resolved to camping by myself with the two kids. Must have been some sort of psychotic moment or something. I figured it couldn't be too bad with grandparents and other relatives there. Plus, I didn't want his family to think I'm a total whimp.

So, I packed the kids up and headed to Eatonville. Only to discover that grandma and grandpa had no intention of actually camping at the lake. Yeah me!!! We were just going to drive up for the day/evening since it was less then 20 minutes away. None the less, the kids and I got the whole camping experience minus sleeping in a tent and attempting to get two kids to sleep while in the great outdoors. We swam, had a campfire, played in a camper, dug in the dirt and came home plenty dirty and stinky. What a fun day we had with the cousins!!!

Water Slide Fun

Our good friend is on bed rest with their third little one. We had their kids to play for the day and borrowed their water slide to add some variety to our water toys. The kids LOVED it!!! I always thought these things would be such a pain, but it was super easy to set up. I'm hooked and could totally buy one now! I seriously, had to drag the kids off of this thing for lunch, and later for a break from the 95 degree sun. Faith has loved having the girls over often this summer. She's always asking for "little people" to play with. Guess I'm not that fun!

Ephrata Water Park

We finally ventured the the Ephrata Water Park this summer. It's one of our favorite places to go with little kids. It's cheap (5 and under free), not crowded during the week, fully fenced, has a playground/big toy, and has the perfect water activities for little kids.

My friend Andi and I were trying to dodge the Ellensburg wind so we checked the weather forecast, which looked great (78 and 3 mile winds), packed up the kiddos and lunch and headed on over to Ephrata. Get there. Freezing and windy. Oh well, the kids had a great time, which is what really matters. Their lips didn't stay blue for too long after! :)