Thursday, December 4, 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

Lots of fun with ALL of the cousins in Vancouver at Grandma Becky's. Not many pictures to go with the post, but wanted to document that this is the first time since our wedding, almost 7 years ago exactly, that all 5 siblings from Joe's side of the family have been together. The story's were hilarious, the laughs endless, and the memories forever! We missed Michelle's husband Nick, but it was a blast seeing all 11 kids together again...soon to be 12 when we add ours! :) (In Order from oldest to youngest:) Hunter, Tanner, Caitlin, Brenna, Wade, Alyssa, Harry, Ladd, Faith, Jensen and Arden had a great time! The photo above was our adult attempt to get them all to take a photo break from clowning around in Grandma Becky's studio. As you can see we weren't very successful!