Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My New Hobby

Yep...to add to the coolness of driving a minivan I also am BIG into coupon clipping these days. It's kind of become a came. Here was some of my latest bargains. I got all of the pictured items for under 10.00. Those of you who know me well, know these aren't my typical purchases (I'm not big into all the "junk" food), but thought with summer coming up and being at the park, water park, lake, etc. It would be nice to have some quick and easy snacks to take along. Other great deals lately...10 boxes of cereal for a total of 1.85. Not each. TOTAL. Yep, 18.5 cents per box. Pull-Ups 3.99. So what if my daughter is wearing boys pull-ups...they're usually 14.00. Huggies spray-on sunscreen for 1.99. Now, the problem with coupon clipping is that I'm having a REALLY hard time paying full price for anything. Just makes me sick. Just another glimpse into the exciting life of Kelly.

Monday, June 23, 2008

We're still here...

After our LONG break from blogging, we're back...but without a camera. Joe is in Alaska on his "dream" fishing trip for a week and took ALL THREE of our cameras. I had a talk with the kids and told them not to do anything amazing, cute, sweet, or funny since I couldn't take pictures. Figures that there have been countless times since Friday that I've ran to get my camera only to remember I don't have it.

Life has been good here. Busy, but good. I'm on summer vacation...yea!!!! The kids have been so cute together lately. They play together all the time and it just melts my heart. Yesterday, they loaded up all the stuffed animals in the doll stroller and were pushing it around the house together. Then Faith, being the little mother hen, got pillows and blankets out on the couch and says, "Jensy, come cuddle with sissy. I'm your good big sister." So cute.

As I type this, Jensen is affectionatly laying on top of our cat listening to him purr. This is a first on many levels. One being that Jensen is actually being nice to the cat. The second being the cat is actually enjoying Jensen. We have the most patient cat ever. He lets Faith dress him up in doll clothes and be pushed in the stroller. You can pull his tail and he barely even makes a sound. But, Jensen is a bit demonic when it comes to the cat.

Do you ever wonder what people are thinking as they observe you being a parent? This crossed my mind last night as my mom, sister, the kids and I were having dinner at the Olive Garden. Here I am diggin (with my finger) in my glass of water for a piece of ice for Jensen. Which then I put it in my mouth, chew it into "smaller" pieces, spit it back in to my hand, and place it on Jensen's plate. Really??? What was I thinking and what are other people thinking about me? I can tell you exactly what I was thinking...I'll do anything to get this kid to stop screaming so myself and everyone around us can enjoy our dinner. Jensen is a 19 month old of very few words so screaming has become his way of letting us know what he wants. Terrible, I know. Somedays, (like yesterday) I just can't handle the scream and give in to him. Hence, him eating canteloupe and 4 dum-dum suckers for lunch. He call's them "da-da's," which I find quite funny. Faith would have (and still would not) NEVER been allowed to do this. He's only my second child. So, what's it like for all these large families by the time they get to kid number 11 or 12? They have probably trained their children much better then I have.

Well, I've pretty much just rambled a bunch. I'll sign off for now, but want to leave you all with a site to check out. It's the most heart warming and heart wrenching thing I've read all bundled up into one. This mother is truly amazing. Everytime I get on her site I cry. Go back to the beginninng and read about their journey. You won't be sorry you did. Totally has changed my outlook on many things, and my walk with God. http://audreycaroline.blogspot.com/