Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh Happy Day...

This is what I get to stare at most of the day!

Isn't he the happiest, cutest, most smiley baby? I love him to pieces and can't believe all he's already doing. Rolling is his new thing. Front to back has been mastered for a long time, but now he's got it going on both ways and can even do a series of rolls. Watch out world, another Rotter is on the loose!

Raising Boys

Below is Jensen's latest weapon.
Enter...my $80.00 straightening iron. Yes, the 4th one I've owned (don't ask why I keep spending so much. If you've ever seen my hair you get it), and the one I've only had 2 months.

As I'm feeding the baby tonight, "J-Bird" delicately carried this down the hall by the cord shouting "Ot (hot) Mom! Ot (hot) Mom!" To which I replied "J-Bird, yes that is mommy's hot iron. It's only for mommy. Can I please have it back?"

"No!" Shouts Jensen and then proceeds to make ferocious growling noises and shouts, "I go to bite you! I go to eat you!" All the while aggressively opening and closing the straightening iron and thrusting it back and forth at all parts of my body.

Yes...briefly, I was actually frightened of my 26lb, 2.5 year old.

For the record, it was not hot, but at least I know he's been listening when I'm doing my hair. He had helped himself to the iron out of the drawer, when he was finished eating toothpaste in my bathroom. Can't get him to eat "traditional" foods, but give the kid a tube of toothpaste or some bouillon cubes and he's good to go!


So...here are my recent deals at Albertsons!

I really think my adjusted age may be 85with the way I like to coupon shop. I seriously get a thrill out of it!

Here's what I got and what the regular prices are:

Two tubs of Crystal Light @ 4.99 each
Individual Crystal Light @ 3.99
Two Kraft Dressings @ 2.69 each
Ritz Crackers @ 2.89
Two Kraft BBQ Sauces @ 2.49 each
Bertolli Dinner @ 8.99
2 Wheat Thins @ 3.79 each
2 Triscuts @ 3.79 each
Kraft Mayonnaise @ 4.29 each
Wacky Mac @ 1.89
Three Bagelfuls @ 3.59 each

The Total Price Would have been 68.32

What I Paid.....2.89!!!! Can you believe it?!?!

*The funny thing is some of this stuff I would never buy, because I wouldn't FATHOM paying 3.79 for a dinky box of crackers or 3.59 for 4 small bagels with cream cheese. I love that some of the good deals I got were "special treats" for the family and some things we actually needed.

Okay...so I went back this evening and added to my savings (not pictured):

3 boxes of Tricuts @ 3.79 each
1 box of Wheat Thins @ 3.79
1 box of Bagelfuls @ 3.59
2 bags of Wacky Mac @ 1.89each
2 Kraft Salad Dressing @ 2.69 each
1 Kraft BBQ Sauce @ 2.49
1 Box of Ritz @ 2.89

Total Retail would have been 33.29 and I only paid 1.27

Basically I've gotten 101.61 worth of groceries for the bargain price of $4.16!!!

BTW, I technically would have gotten money back today (not that that was my plan), but I guess that's not allowed. The six not-so-pleased-with-my-stack-of-coupons-people in line behind me were looking a bit less then friendly, so I grabbed the closest box of crackers (Triscuts for 1.47) and high-tailed it out of Albertson's as fast as I could.

Warning!!! Do NOT try this level of bargaining at home. It may lead to serious risks to your health. Side effects may include, loss of ability to pay full price for anything, loss of self-pride from going through the line multiple times, loss of "coolness" from the fact that you posted this on the World Wide Web, and loss of friends your age when you enjoy talking budgets while out for drinks.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

May Storms

This month (and maybe in April, too, but my memory is failing me here), we've had some really unusualy weather for Eastern Washington. We had a great thunder and hail storm one night and the kids (not baby Jacob) and I even got out for a few, VERY BRIEF seconds to dance in the hail. They were giggling like crazy and their giggles are something Joe and I will never forget. This picture is from a different storm. Faith and Jensen are sitting inside the dining room, with the french doors wide open, watching the rain fall. They were absolutly silent and loving watching the rain pour down and patter off the deck.

Mother's Day...a PERFECT day

Mother's Day was FANTASTIC. Before I woke up (at 6:30am), Joe and the kids had already gone and washed and cleaned out the van and brought me a latte in bed. Faith, Jensen and Joe made breakfast which we all ate in bed...all five of us. It was quite cozy. I was treated to lots of homemade gifts from the kids, painted pots, cards, paper crafts, a homemade telescope. All very sweet, sweet things they did for me. I got LOTS of plants for the garden and a WHOLE DAY of yardwork. You may laugh, but that's exactly what I said I wanted. The weather was gorgous and the kids played outside all day. We topped the day off with dinner at Road House Grill. Thanks for everything kiddos and hubby. How blessed I am to be called "mommy" by these three amazing, wonderful, loving, unique children. My heart is so full of thankfulness.


Joe and I LOVE these pictures of Jensen. This was the first time he was able to blow bubbles himself and he was so concentrated. The first one was his reaction when one popped in his mouth..."Gucky! Gucky!" he kept saying! Such a sweet, rough boy he is!

Friday, May 15, 2009

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Haven't posted lately. Just getting back into the "swing" of working, watching Stacie's kiddos, and spending every free minute with our amazing kiddos. Will try to update later, but for now here are a few pictures.

Faith's Fantastic Five Years

Dear Faith,

As you turn five daddy and I would like to share some of our favorite memories of you over this past year. We love you so much and are so proud of all that you do. Here is a very rough, incomplete list of some of the things that make up you our Fabulous, Awesome, Individual,Talented, Heaven Sent daughter:

-You are "spirited" beyond belief. From the moment you wake up in the morning, until the moment you close your eyes at night you do everything with an irreplaceable zest and spirt. You are passionate about everything you do from your play to getting your socks on JUST right so they don't "bug" you.
-You are an AMAZING big sister to Jensen and Jacob. So kind and caring with both boys and so patient with Jensen, even when he's "wrecking your setup."
-You are such an inquisitive girl. Nothing gets by you! :)
-You love your friends and are always up for a playdate.
-You have such a great imagination and love pretend play
-You know all of your letters, numbers, and letter sounds and are wanting to start to put them together.
-One of your favorite things to do lately, is draw. You spend hours sitting at the little desk in the entry way drawing and drawing. We go through REEMS of paper around here, but don't mind at all!
-You LOVE, LOVE, LOVE preschool and can't wait for Kindergarten.
-You have gotten to be so affectionate lately. No one goes to bed around here with out a hug and a kiss from you!
-One of the weekly activites you enjoy is going to Cubbies. You are learning a lot and making some GREAT friends there!
-If you had your way, you'd always be right at my side doing whatever it is that I am doing. You are always eager to help and love to be in the kitchen cooking and baking.

Love you sissy! Can't wait to see what changes this next year brings for you!