Friday, September 19, 2008

It's A Boy!!!!

We can now start thinking of more original names then "Number 3!" And no...his name will not be "Uggghhh," as Jensen has previously said.

We had the ultrasound tech. print out a picture of the baby and attach to a gender appropriate scrapbook page and wrap up in a gift bag, without reveling it to us. (Side note: we were both so sure it was a girl, that I didn't even make a cute boy page.) Faith and Jensen then got to open it at home. Faith was sure it was a girl because "that's what I prayed for," (her words) and even though pulled out the "boy" page told us it was a girl. She said, "B is for Baby. Not Boy!" She's thrilled now though. Jensen wanted nothing to do with the whole process and ripped the page out of Faith's hands and stomped on it...let's hope he turns around a bit before baby arrives.

Here is a picture from the day. And yes...Faith WAS wearing a very adorable "girl" outfit, but changed into her "baby finding out outfit" just before opening the present. Who knew that Daddy's fishing hat was part of a "baby finding out outfit..."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Faith's description of her first day of preschool at Jack and Jill's House, "It was AMAZING! When do I get to go back?!?" So glad she loves school.