Tuesday, November 11, 2008

September & October Catch Up

September and October have been CRAZY around our house. I've had the pleasure of "trying out" working full-time, while my friend who I team-teach with is on maternity leave. It's been a LONG time since I've been full-time. Even LONGER since I've been full-time, with two kids at home, pregnant, and had Joe out of town LOTS. Okay...that last part has never actually happened until this year. Joe is always gone lots this time of year, but that's about the only truth. It's been a great experience working full-time, because I've gotten to know the students really well and I'm reaffirmed in our decisions for me to be half-time. It's always felt right personally, but I have kind of questioned it professionally. Now I know for sure...half-time it is for me! I'm looking forward to many things in the next few weeks; Thanksgiving, teaching half-time AND my husband being home more! Yippee!!!

Anyways, as you can see, I'm way behind on blogging. Here is a quick post with some pictures from the past few months. Included are Halloween, Our "trip" to the North Bend Train Station (Jensen's OBSESSED with trains and tractors right now), fall baking with Faith, and just some other random pictures. I have no idea how to put lables under the actual pictures. Any suggestions?

For Halloween Faith was a 50's Girl and Jensen was a last minute Train Conductor. He was supposed to be a bat, but there was no way he was leaving the house with THAT thing on!


The Caffeinated Mommy said...

1. Hooray! I love your blog and I'm happy you're back on again!

2. Working full-time? Seriously? You're crazy!!! ;-) I only have one kid and I could never do full-time...ugh!

3. I can not BELIEVE how much Faith looks like you.

4. And Jensen and Zoey will both be two very soon...hard to believe. He's a doll.

5. You are unbelievably brave for traveling so far on an airplane with two little ones. Wow.

Amber and Nala said...

I love all the fall pictures...looks like you have had a fun fall so far. :)

Nasinec Family said...

Love the curlers!