Saturday, August 16, 2008

Little Stinker

Jensen has turned into a bit of a "Stinker" lately. Always climbing-yesterday it was on the kitchen counter. Still not sure how he managed to get up there since there was not a chair/stool/etc. in sight. Into everything, including my make-up, lotion, brown sugar. The bad thing is...he's just to darn cute to get mad at. If we tell him "NO" in a firm voice, he turns his head to look over his shoulder and looks at us with these devilish little eyes, from the corner of his eyes.

Today, we were playing in the backyard, I had stepped inside to refill water bottles, when Faith starts screaming at the top of her lungs, "YOU'RE A BAD BOY! A BAD, BAD BOY!" I run outside to find Jensen laughing hysterically at about 10 of Faith's stuffed animals that are now floating in the pool. You see, the problem is, Faith thinks these animals are "real." And her "friends" don't know how to swim. Uh-oh! Faith and I did manage to rescue and resuscitate each and every one of her friends. I did manage to snap a picture of a few of the last victims when Faith wasn't looking. They are currently lounging in the sun with a cold beverage in hand, while the "BAD BOY" is napping. Oh wait. That's my day dream sneaking in there. At one time or another each of Faith "friends" have gone somewhere with us. At this time, there are 4 buckled into the back of the van. She dresses them up, names them, plays with them, changes their clothes, changes their names, takes them on walks, etc. I was never a "stuffed animal kid," so it's not something I can relate to, but I do think it's really cute. And hey, these "friends" give me one more excuse when we are running late. Oh, and waiting on those little buggers to all be buckled in has made us late before!

Different topic. Remember in my last post (just yesterday) about the poop issue. Well, it happened AGAIN today. This time thankfully we were outside. Jensen's came walking over with dog poop on his bare foot. Problem is we don't have a dog! Apparently, his waterlogged diaper fell off, he pooped, and then stepped in it. Thank goodness we were outside. I sent Faith in for soap and scrubbed him down in the hose. Not his favorite shower, but it worked!

Funny Faithism: "Daddy, there's a giant spider in my room! Don't worry it's just little. It's a mama short legs!"


Abby said...

That is hilarious. What a bad boy he is!!

Mike & Crissy said...

Oh the "friends", we have lots of them too and they do tend to migrate places with us. "Stinker" is often how we describe Cora too, knocking down towers, running off with "friends", etc., etc. Those little sibs! Love the pic of the friends in the pool - and Jensen watching them float there, like "yeah, I did that!"

Amber and Nala said...

Love the picture of him relaxing while the poor stuffed animals float hopelessly in the pool. :)