Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Note for Jensen's Wife

FYI...when Jensen makes comments that may easily be offensive, he truly doesn't mean it. He's just a man. He can't help it. Men don't come wired the same as women. Please don't get upset when he says things like, "Mommy, you look so beautiful. You look just like a hippo!" Really. He truly meant this as a compliment. He was so excited and sincere as I know he will be in your marriage, too.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A Word, or Two, on Our "Duperhero"

The "Duperhero" in our house:
-Runs the fastest
-Shouts the loudest
-Taunts the most
-Flies the highest
-Sneaks the best
-Pushes the hardest
-"Un-nerves" like you wouldn't believe
-Loves to be rough and tumble
-"Gackles" (tackles) the greatest
-Bounces the best on the furniture
-Climbs to the highest of places to rescue a binky or piece of cake

But with, or without, his "Duperhero" outfit loves the deepest, helps the most, cuddles the sweetest, compliments like no other and gives the very BEST Eskimo kisses.

Oh, how blessed we are to have a "Duperhero" like Jensen in our lives! We love him greater then any Superhero strength!

Pictured here with his "Duperhero" bat costume, princess wand, and binky. I guess I owe a post on the reintroduction of the binky...

Faith's Snow Shoot

Love, LOVE, LOVE these sweet pictures of Faith in our first big snow if the year! The pure joy on her face is priceless and what childhood should be filled with. Jensen opted to stay inside, it was too "coady" for him outside that day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Just Jacob...

A post devoted SOLELY to our Sweet Baby Boy Jacob. Who is ONE!!!! Just how did that happen? What a complete and utter blessing he is in our lives. A perfect addition to our little family. All of us Rotter's would agree that life wouldn't be the same without him. Jacob is just all around sweetness...with a bit of determination thrown in to complete the perfect package. Let's be honest, to survive with big brother Jensen...determination is needed for sure! :)

At ONE, Jacob...
-weighs 20lbs 13 ounces
-has 8 teeth
-is on the RUN (started walking at 10.5 months)
-says about 18 words including mama, dada, baba, papa, nana, up, more, ball, cat, dog, hi, bye, this, yea
-loves to give kisses and has progressed from his "African" tongue clicking to actual kissing noises to let us know he wants a kiss!
-Loves to "pet" mama when he's eating
-Still not sleeping through the night, but is getting better
-loves his blanket at night and rubs the satin edge while he falls asleep
-has mastered opening cupboards, finding toothbrushes, and eating out of the trash...all very desirable traits to have
-LOVES being in the mix with Faith and Jensen
-laughs at all the right times

Here are a few pictures from Jacob's Birthday. On his actually birthday we had cake at home which he loved. He picked up the entire plate and ate the cupcake that way. The next weekend, we had a swimming party/Haiti fundraiser for Jacob! What fun we had and what generous friends to donate to Haiti in honor of Jacob's birthday!

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Christmas in Photos: