Thursday, August 14, 2008

(Almost) Camping

Don't know why, but we have yet to brave camping this year. Possibly the ongoing morning/all day sickness I've had. It's so much more fun to lay around on the couch and feel sorry for yourself for weeks on end. Nothing like it.

The first weekend in August, Joe's cousin was home (Tacoma) visiting from Wyoming. The family was all getting together at Alder Lake, near Eatonville for a camping trip. Joe couldn't go, but I had actually resolved to camping by myself with the two kids. Must have been some sort of psychotic moment or something. I figured it couldn't be too bad with grandparents and other relatives there. Plus, I didn't want his family to think I'm a total whimp.

So, I packed the kids up and headed to Eatonville. Only to discover that grandma and grandpa had no intention of actually camping at the lake. Yeah me!!! We were just going to drive up for the day/evening since it was less then 20 minutes away. None the less, the kids and I got the whole camping experience minus sleeping in a tent and attempting to get two kids to sleep while in the great outdoors. We swam, had a campfire, played in a camper, dug in the dirt and came home plenty dirty and stinky. What a fun day we had with the cousins!!!


Mike & Crissy said...

There is NOTHING wrong with that kind of camping! Glad you all had a great time and were able to sleep!

Linda said...

Kelly -- we do this ALL THE TIME! We take the boys "camping" at least once a month, spend the day, then pack everyone up after s'mores and tuck them into their own beds at home. I don't think we'll start spending the night until they beg us to!

ps love the blog. may have to try this myself one of these days.