Sunday, April 27, 2008

The "Price" of Four Year Old Imunnizations

Well Child Check Up: 108.00

Polly Pocket Cinderella horse/carriage play set: 19.99

Starbucks Stop Post Shots (had to calm my nerves & treats for kids): 6.65

Box of New Band-Aides (they fix everything): 2.25

Hearing Faith say to a stranger "I was a big girl and got my Kindergarten shots. Now I'm all ready to register!": Priceless

Okay...can you tell I totally "positive reinforced" my child into getting her shots???? We do NOT believe in bribery in our house...strictly positive reinforcement. By the way...what's the difference? There is none you say. EXACTLY! I must tell you though, this was a conversation I overheard at Fred Meyer.

Faith had her 4 year check up on Thursday with Dr. Larson (plug here for him being the BEST doctor ever)! He's a fantastic doctor and gets right down with the kids and talks with them, instead of around them. She got to help him set up his lap top for her check-up, help him take all of her vitals, etc. On his laptop there was a whole list of questions he was asking her and checking off. He'd read them to her and then let her talk about them with him. Very funny and detailed answers she gave. All except for number 7: Child dresses himself/herself. He just skipped right over that one and checked yes without even discussing. Not sure if you've seen some of the fashionable outfits that Faith puts together. Watch out Tyra, Faith may be taking over America's Next Top Model!