Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Perspective, I'm not exactly what you'd call a "bug lover." To be more exact...I can't stand them. The problem arises in the fact that Faith has a new found fondness for insects. We can no longer squish them. In fact we collect them. I'm really torn in deciding the root of her insect fascination. Does she love bugs or does she simply love to torment me? Rest assured, I'm doing what every well meaning, well intentioned mother should do. I'm "nurturing" her interest in bugs. We're reading books, going on bug hunts, etc. I do have to share a bit of dialogue from today.

So here I am sitting on the couch watching the TV Guide channel for the last 15 minutes. Why I didn't get up and change the channel? I have no clue. Anyways, Faith is in the dining room playing and attempting to catch bugs. For the record, we don't have bugs in our house. It was too windy to go outside so she was pretending. All of a sudden Faith comes in crying. The real tear kind of cry.

K: "Faith sweetie. What is wrong?"

F: "She's just not getting any better. I need to help her feel better."

K: "Who's not feeling better? Is one of your babies sick?"

F: "No mom, Lemon Juice (displaying a plastic baggie containing a lifeless fly) is very, very sick. Can she please rest next to you? I got her an ice pack." / Faith lays the most gigantic ice pack we have (about 12" by 18") out on the couch, lovingly lays a dishtowel over it so Lemon Juice doesn't get too cold, and lays the fly containing plastic bag on top of the stack.

K: "I'd be happy to watch her Faith, but I'm a little worried that she's not going to fully recover. Do you think we should put her outside to get some fresh air? Sometimes fresh air is just what the doctor ordered"

F: "No, Mommy. She just needs to have a little rest and then she'll feel better."

K: "Actually Faith. Lemon Juice is dead."

F: "She is not dead! She is going to take a nap with me and then I'll check her out with my doctor set and then she'll feel better."

So...yes. I did tuck my daughter, pinkie (her blanket) and Lemon Juice into bed for a bit of a nap. We'll just have to wait and see how she feels after a little nap.


Amber and Nala said...

That's hilarious, but Faith is so sweet to be so caring about other creatures. :) I love the name Lemon Juice!

Nasinec Family said...

This is a great example of her personality: caring, sweet, and persistant! I love that girl!