Sunday, April 27, 2008

Future Plumber for Hire

Anyone who goes to CMA church here in Ellensburg may rest easy tonight. Jensen took one for the team this morning at church and inspected ALL of the drinking fountains in the building. Hey... somebody has got to do it. Water is a sign of life people!!! Jensen's preliminary report is that all specimins tested function properly, are cooled to just the perfect refreshing temperature, and have the essential blend of metallic taste. He'll post later in the week to let you know what sorts of bacterial, fungal and viral microbes were found based on what illnesses may or may not arrise within the next few incubation days.

It's a good thing that we spent extra time this morning making sure everyone was out of bed, fed, washed and dressed in our Sunday best. No one likes a slobby plumber.


Nasinec Family said...

Oh my gosh! He is soooo adorable! I love that kid!

Abby said...

Love that you blogged it!! And he is soo cute!