Monday, April 21, 2008

2 Truths and a Lie is a "game" a fellow blogger has started. I'm posting 2 truths and a lie about myself. Try to figure out which one it the lie and post your guess in my comments. I'll disclose the correct lie (is that possible) by the end of the week.

Have fun!!!

1. In High School I had multiple run-ins with the law in one weekend. Luckily, I was not arrested and actually made it to see my graduation day.

2. I had two "near death" experiences that both involved unpredictable waters. The first was at Big Beach on my honeymoon (not too many people can actually say they almost died on their honeymoon) and the second one was on the Smith River.

3. During my first week at Central, I got bit in my sleep by a Brown Recluse (spelling) spider. My roomate and I had to be evacuated from our dorm room for a week while they fumigated our room, and others surrounding ours. The plus was an "overflow" year and there were no extra rooms available so we got to stay at the Inn at Goose Creek for a whole week!!!


Abby said...

I am going to guess number 1 because I can't imagine you in trouble with the law!!!

Amber and Nala said...

My guess is number 3...the spider story. It sounds like a story I heard recently so I am not sure about it. I can see you and Joe being on the water alot so that is possible and you never know we all do crazy things when we are younger. :)

Nasinec Family said...

#3 is my guessCentral is too cheap to pay for a room for a week at the goose. You would have been staying at the stupid conference center or the old hotel that is now a parking lot for the jail! :-)

Nasinec Family said...

And yes, my kids were in music and then the library. It is WASl week- I was bored! :-)

wolfenbarger bunch said...

I love this! I am kind of obsessed with blogs as well, so now I have one more to check frequently:) I would have to guess #3, those spiders are serious stuff, and the other two are out there but I think that there is a little sassy in you so once upon a time you might have been acquainted with the law, and the water thing it could happen!