Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Bow and the Ewow

The objects of Jensen's affection these days are his Bow and "Ewow." They are currently outside toys after he shot Faith in the head...He LOVES his bow and "Ewow" and had a great shot, too. According to his dad he's a real natural with great aim and form. Whatever that means. His bow and "ewow" have been known to go to bed with him. In the middle of the night, once, he was whimpering in his sleep, "Bow, bow, my bow."

Isn't he just the cutest little guy? Note the Dora Rollerskates in the picture...and the yogurt smeared all over his shirt. I believe that was the day he ate five "blue" (vanilla) yogurts. Apparently he was just as excited about my good grocery deals as I was. :)