Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another Use for a Not-So-Common Product

If you read my previous pictureless entry, you know that today I'm running on four hours of INTERRUPTED sleep. I really tend to make the best out of any situation. As I'm awake, albeit groggy, but awake at 4:00am, I was doing my best to thank God that I have these three precious children to be up with.

Yes...all three children are currently sleeping at the same time. Yes, it is after 5:00pm, meaning bedtime tonight will be a real challenge, but I'm not complaining.

Why am I not complaining that bedtime will be a real treat tonight? Because they are ALL sleeping. At. The. Same. Time. Here is how our day has gone.

By 10:00am Faith and Jensen had both had more than one time out. All three kids were crying at the same time and I was on the verge of tears. Instead of loosing my cool (okay...I did loose it just a tiny bit, but I'm entitled, right?) I decided a change of pace was needed. I loaded all three up for an outing consisting of Happy Meals (and free Iced Vanilla Coffee for, a drive through the car wash, a trip to KIttitas to drop off some Pampered Chef goodies, and a walk through the dollar tree. Faith chose a "beautiful" jewelry set and Jensen a Spiderman gun/launcher at two he already understands guns is beyond me.

By the time we got home they were in better spirits and ready for nap time. I'm peacefully feeding the baby and reading him the 3rd Twilight book. Maybe not his choice of literature, but I'm making an attempt here. I was enjoying my moment with Jacob when I hear, "Poopy. Sock. Pooy. Sock" Which actually sounded more like "Poody. Gawk. Poody. Gawk." I look up to see Jensen walking across the cream colored carpet with "Pood" covered "Gawks." How this happened, I have no idea, BUT there was a Hansel and Gretel trail of poop to be followed back to the source. Good thing, because the smell wasn't enough to lead me to the mess. I track the trail of poop across the cream colored living room carpet, up the hallway, through the baby's room (cream carpet) and into Faith and Jensen's room (cream carpet) straight to the area where the rocking horse is located. Upon fist inspection, one might assume that the rocking horse had a bit of an "accident" on the carpet.

Much to my dismay, it wasn't the horse. My darling son had poop up his back, up his front and all over his socks (still unclear how that happened), there was a large area of poop near the rear of the inanimate horse, as well as "track marks" from the rockers on the horse, where he had been ridden through the poop. I'm assuming the horse would have prefered to have made the mess himself, versus being riden through it.

Jensen received a bath and I cleaned up the mess all the while trying to convince myself that it was not indeed poop that I was seeing and smelling. Clearly people, I knew it was poop, but I was trying to prevent was THAT bad!!!!

I got out my handy Dyson carpet spot remover, sprayed the "spots" (used loosely...better describe as large areas) and began to read the directions. All the while the baby is SCREAMING. "Blot with absorbent white cloth from the outside in." Jacob's screaming is becoming louder which spikes my hormones and emotions and I begin to sweat profusely and shake (always do when my "babies" are in distress). Frantically I start to look around for the above said cloth, panic and do what any good breastfeeding mom does. Reach down my shirt, grab my breast pads, and blot away. There you have it, sleep deprivation at it's best and a new use for Breast Pads!

It's a darn good thing Jensen wasn't where he was supposed to be, in his bed, during this time. Then the mess would have been confined to his bed. Resulting in a simple change of sheets, washing of the clothes and bath for him. Darn good thing he was up out of bed.


The Caffeinated Mommy said...

Kelly, okay, here's the thing. That story was so NOT funny, and yet, TOTALLY HYSTERICAL to read!!! I about died laughing as I read it. And hey, do you like the Dyson carpet cleaner?

Glad your kids are sleeping...Zoey took a nap until 6 pm tonight (due in part to the evil time change) and I didn't even care, just to get a break! And now, of course, it is 10:03 pm and she is barely showing signs of being tired. Oh well.

Emmons said...

I'm so glad you've been blogging. It is highly entertaining as I sit here with my ankle high above the heart. You do a great job with the blog. I am also happy to hear that you guys while sleep deprived are going well.

The Davis Family said...

Awwww Kel - Once again, Is this what I have to look forward to??? I just loved this entry and had a great visual of you kneeling down on the floor with breast pads in hand. I love you - what a great mom you are!

Abby said...

I'm sorry but that was so HILARIOUS- only because it was you and not me though...Oh my the life of a mother!! Great writing Kelly!!

TiffanyTulip said...

Kelly, you are doing a great job with this blog...quite the entertaining read. :) I remember living a day on 45 minutes sleep when the boys were tiny...I finally called Mandi for coffee relief! It has been fun keeping up with your adorable family!

Amber and Nala said...

OMG Kelly, what a day! That poop story is funny but I am also cringing and gagging for you at the same time. ;) Hope tomorrow is better! ;)


Mike & Crissy said...

So very clever! I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that, and by yourself!
We had one of those recently too, required going straight to the steam cleaner! When Cora was potty training and w/o panties she pooped on the floor while I was gone for like 1.5 seconds. She turned around and stepped in it, and then Wyatt ran and (accidentally) slid through it as he was coming to get me. Poopy footprints, streaks, and kids - so gross!
Anyhow, I'm like 2 minutes away, let me know when you need help!!!