Friday, September 11, 2009

Reflections of Summer

WE'REEEEE BAAAACK! After a long summer break from blogging, we are back and at it. Be rest assured, the lack of updates wasn't due to a lack of happenings! We simply were busy and having so much fun just being a family. Our blogging break was actually quite intentional. Reflecting back, we actually squeezed lots into summer. Here are a few of our favorites:

-6 weeks of swimming for Faith and a new friend for Jensen to play with there
-Long walks in the morning
-riding bikes and scooters
-play dates at the park
-pajamas as long as we liked!
-Pat and Kat's wedding at Hood Canal with the Thorson side of the family
-Camping with Grandma and Grandpa Rotter
-Swimming at the new lodge at Red's
-play dates with our many, many friends
-planting our first garden: radishes, lettuce, carrots, basil, tomatoes, zucchini, tomatoes, beans, peas
-visiting cousins Harry and Arden in Walla Wall at their fun, fun Bed and Breakfast, Nine Trees Inn
-Ephrata Water park with Grandma Beth and then again with friends later
-Fourth of July festivities at Reds and West Ellensburg Park
-Face painting almost every Saturday at the market
-Ellensburg Rodeo and Fair
-school clothes shopping for our big kinder kid
-visiting Auntie Shayne in Wenatchee (and allergy testing for Jensen)
-making pesto with the kids- THEY LOVE PESTO!
-trip to Small Woods Farm (LOVE it there)
-drinking my morning coffee on the deck while the sun rises
-playing board games with the kids
-family walks in the evening
-story time and cuddles
-many milestones for Jensen (potty training and kicking the binky habit)
-watching Jacob grow before our very eyes
-Faith learning so many new things

I simply loved the lazy days of summer this year. We were always busy and hoppin', but it was so nice to be on a "family" schedule versus work schedule! Can't wait for June to roll around again! :)


Carson and Crew said...

You are in big trouble now, missy! You were in Walla Walla and we didn't see you? :-)