Friday, September 11, 2009

"I'll Always Be Your Baby!"

Those are the words Faith said to me seconds before the last picture was snapped. Exactly 5 minutes and 18 seconds before we loaded her in the car for her first day of Kindergarten. Was she trying to make me cry? Is there some sort of competition at school for the kid with the most hysterical mother? Is THAT how she got to be "teacher's helper" on her first day. Way to go Faith! You made me bawl and won my heart over once again!

Today was such a bitter-sweet day for me. Faith is more then ready for school, but I'm just not ready to hand her over to the "world." I didn't sleep a wink last night, but I did manage to hold it together when dropping her off at school. Until...I walked away. Then I bawled like a baby. Baby? Wasn't SHE just a baby?!?

Anyways, Faith LOVED school and I loved that it was only half day. I think half-time is a perfect fit for her (and me). She gets one last year at home with me in the mornings, but gets to learn all about school!


mol said...

I love this! I think they do have a competition over whose mom can cry the hardest!

Amber and Nala said...

Glad she likes it! :) I hope it is getting easier!