Friday, September 11, 2009

"Who Stole Our Baby?"

Yep. Another unhappy Rotter kid! Look at that smile! Seven months old and really coming into his own. Jacob's favorite activities include: eating puzzle pieces, unraveling the toilet paper, teething (he's determined to show those teeth whose boss yet), climbing on top of Jensen and Faith (I'm thinking the tackling has already begun), holding his own bottle when mommy is away, moving from crawling to sitting and back again, feeding him self finger food, crawling all over the house, army crawling, pulling himself to standing-followed by falling down and hitting his head, playing with his toys, laughing at the cat, eating toilet paper, chasing the vacuum (our kids all love the vacuum), smiling like crazy, babbling and "shouting" along with the other two, attempting to keep up with his brother and sister and simply melting our hearts one smile at a time!


Nasinec Family said...

That Jacob is the cutest thing I have ever seen!I NEED to see him in person!

Amber and Nala said...

Wow, he looks like a completely different kiddo....he is certainly growing! :)