Friday, November 27, 2009

Moments to Remember

Faith started Kinder Dance the first week of November and today she had her debut Performance, as a "Snowflake," and I had my debut as a stage mom. Let me tell you...LOTS of work. No clue how those moms on "Tots to Tiaras," or whatever the name of that TLC show is, do it. "Costume" for The Moments to Remember performance included the cute little outfit you see, blue eye shadow, eye liner, mascara, lip liner, lipstick, blush, a high pony tail with long tight curls and LOTS of hairspray.

You want the dirty truth? I don't own hair spray, a curling iron or blue eye shadow. Thank heavens for the Dollar Tree. I just knew I would need aerosol spray (we're after beauty tonight and not saving the environment) to hold that girls curls. Where is Aqua Net when you need it? The Dollar Tree saved the day, with classy "White Rain" aerosol hairspray. After 45 minutes, Faith's hair and make up were done and I used so much hair spray that she claimed she was tasting it through the air.

Being new to the "stage mom" scene, I went a bit overboard with the lip liner and lipstick. No biggie. Joe told her she looked like a real famous lady on T.V. named know, from the Golden Girls. Luckily she has no clue who Blanche Devereaux is, because if my "Old Maid" victory dance, complete with hunkering down like I was walking with a cane and saying my name was "Faith Old Maid Rotter," threw her into a tantrum last week, being referred to as Blanche might simply put her over the five and a half year old edge. Thinking she wouldn't want to be know as Blanche, the vain, man-hungry, Southern Belle, and KNOWING I'd rather her be more like, Rose or Dorthy (definitely NOT Sophia), I quickly fixed her lipstick into more suitable "snowflake" fashion.

Faith looked beautiful, twirled perfectly, LOVED the evening, and reiterated as we were leaving that she's NEVER playing soccer again (she previous post), because she only wants to do one activity at a time...and she's choosing dance! I couldn't be more proud of her!

Side Note: Wikipedia has some great facts on The Golden Girls. Now, I thought I was a fan of the show back in my younger days, but I never knew that Dorthy's brother, Phil, was a cross dresser. The things you learn on a Friday night around our house.

And just for the records, after reading all the character bios, I'm real conflicted over which Golden Girl I'd most like Faith to be like. Who would you choose for your daughter?


Sarah Thorson said...

Tantie can't wait to watch her dance again.

Abby said...

So cute. She and Karis really would have made such good friends!! I'm with you on the stage mom thing....

The Davis Family said...

Love the updates Kel - Your family is wonderful!