Thursday, November 26, 2009

Halloween 2009

Pumpkin carving 2009 was a blast! Momma got smart this year and we scooped our pumpkins outside. Notice the difference in warmth of clothing Faith and Jensen chose to wear. In typical "I'm too hot" fashion, Faith is sparsely dressed, sporting a cotton sundress and her new glitter Christmas shoes. Jensen on the other hand is always "coedy" (cold) and is bundled up like he's headed to the North Pole to whip up some toys for the Salvation Army toy drive. This particular day, I sided with Jensen...lots of layers for me!

This year it was FREEZING during trick or treating. I have some "great" pictures (which I am not posting) of the kids out trick-or-treating dressed as "Children of the Winter," staring coats, hats, mittens, etc. Believe it or not...those were indeed NOT their original costumes. I know. I know. Should have started with "Children of the Winter" but it just didn't seem quite original enough.

According to Jensen he was a Pirate this year. That is what he wanted to be and what we went shopping for. What we left the store with was a Power Ranger suit, which he still refered to as a pirate. Even after multiple attempts, by his sister, to help him understand what his costume it. It was really important to this said sister that he KNEW he was a Power Ranger. You know. The sister who change her mind about her costume FIVE times. On the day of Halloween. Costumes included bunny, cat, butterfly, butterfly princess and fairy. All revolving around a black leotard and black tutu. LOVE the creativity and imagination of both Faith and Jensen.

Below you see the cutest spider EVER! Don't think I've ever called a spider cute before. Those of you who know me well, know I'm not a fan of real life arachnids, but I feel in love with this Pottery Barn spider costume for our little guy! He was adorable and warm! Although getting him and all eight legs into the car seat was a bit of a challenge.