Thursday, May 21, 2009

Mother's Day...a PERFECT day

Mother's Day was FANTASTIC. Before I woke up (at 6:30am), Joe and the kids had already gone and washed and cleaned out the van and brought me a latte in bed. Faith, Jensen and Joe made breakfast which we all ate in bed...all five of us. It was quite cozy. I was treated to lots of homemade gifts from the kids, painted pots, cards, paper crafts, a homemade telescope. All very sweet, sweet things they did for me. I got LOTS of plants for the garden and a WHOLE DAY of yardwork. You may laugh, but that's exactly what I said I wanted. The weather was gorgous and the kids played outside all day. We topped the day off with dinner at Road House Grill. Thanks for everything kiddos and hubby. How blessed I am to be called "mommy" by these three amazing, wonderful, loving, unique children. My heart is so full of thankfulness.


Unknown said...

My three wonderful grandkids.Jacob I am not sure who you look like but you are certainly changing
Love Grandma