Monday, July 21, 2008

The Third is Coming

Nope, not some sequel to some exciting book I've written or movie I've produced. The third child!!! (Although, The Life of Joe, Kelly and the Kids would make a killer movie-watch out Jon and Kate). We're very excited to be adding to our family. "The Third," who will hopefully have another name by arrival, is due February 2nd.

I love my children beyond words and am thrilled to have another one, but to be honest, I do totally have my moments of panic at having three. Like yesterday, when I thought I was raising two demons. Or, this morning, when Faith hit Jensen on the back and tried to kick him in the head because she didn't "win" at getting dressed first. I can thank my husband for that fun game. Don't get me wrong, my kids are normally fantastic. However, moments like above leave me near tears, wondering what I did wrong.

Anyways, I have my first official appointment tomorrow. With Faith I was in there at conception. Jensen by 6 weeks. Number 3...I'm already 12 weeks. By waiting, I'm hoping for two things. One to avoid the pelvic exam...not possible, I know, but a hormonal girl can hope. Two, that my weight tracking begins tomorrow. Hence, leaving off the weight I've already gained.

It's so funny how different each pregnancy is in many ways. Take for example maternity clothes. I didn't show forever with Faith, yet I couldn't wait to wear those oversized tents and elastic pants that come up to your neck. I think when I first started wearing maternity clothes with Faith, I actually had to safety pin them to keep them up. With Jensen, I waited until about 9 weeks. I gained 9 pounds with him before I even knew I was pregnant. AND I found out at 4 weeks. So it was either buy a new waredrobe in a size bigger or wear maternity clothes. I'm cheap. Enough said. Now, here I am, 12+ weeks with the third. Noticably showing. Trying to cram myself into my current clothes. If only I can make it until fall I keep telling myself (fat chance).

Faith has decided that if the baby is a girl she will name it. Jensen will name it if it's a boy. Ella is her current girl's name of choice. When she questioned Jensen on his name of choice he said, "Ugh." You know. The grunting noise little kids make when they are going number "2." So, there you have it: Ella or "ugh." I could do Ella, but I'm thinking we may have to tweak the boy name a bit.


Nasinec Family said...

I can't wait! I am so excited for you and your family! I hope it is a girl, wait boy, wait girl, oh I really don't care I'm going to love the littlest Rotter!!!!!!

Abby said...

Yeah- I am so excited for you!! Three is great! Hard at times yes but so great too!! Congratulations!! I'm right there with you on the maternity clothes....same thing happened to me!

Mike & Crissy said...

Kelly you are hilarious! I laughed so hard over the getting dressed game - Mike does that all the time with our kids ("oh Wyatt she's gonna beat you - better hurry up!")
Anyhow - Congratulations again - we're so excited for you! Please let me know if you need anything!

The Rogel Family said...

I'm dying laughing over your blog, just what I needed tonight. I'm SO excited for you! You're going to do AWESOME! And I'm here to help you all along the way.

Amber and Nala said...

Congrats...that is very exciting! I am so happy for you.