Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My New Hobby

Yep...to add to the coolness of driving a minivan I also am BIG into coupon clipping these days. It's kind of become a came. Here was some of my latest bargains. I got all of the pictured items for under 10.00. Those of you who know me well, know these aren't my typical purchases (I'm not big into all the "junk" food), but thought with summer coming up and being at the park, water park, lake, etc. It would be nice to have some quick and easy snacks to take along. Other great deals lately...10 boxes of cereal for a total of 1.85. Not each. TOTAL. Yep, 18.5 cents per box. Pull-Ups 3.99. So what if my daughter is wearing boys pull-ups...they're usually 14.00. Huggies spray-on sunscreen for 1.99. Now, the problem with coupon clipping is that I'm having a REALLY hard time paying full price for anything. Just makes me sick. Just another glimpse into the exciting life of Kelly.


Abby said...

Oh my!! Very cool...how did you get the cereal that cheap and the pull-ups?! I am big into coupons too!!!

Anonymous said...

wow! I really envy you that you have 1) the time to clip coupons 2) the patience to scope out good deals and 3) the time to clip coupons

we clip coupons every week, but either forget to take them to the store or they get misplaced

Mike & Crissy said...

You're not alone! I am coupon crazy too! I always go to the store at some point on Sunday to get the "big" paper - just for the coupons and nothing else. Thanks to Abby, I've realised that the Seattle one has WAY better coupons than the Yakima one!

Amber and Nala said...

Wow, I am so impressed with the savings. One day I hope to develop the patience for cutting the coupons and checking out the deals. Hopefully sooner than later. :) I love the ice story too by the way...so funny! Nala and I would love to go on a walk sometime so I may be giving you a call one of these mornings. :)

wolfenbarger bunch said...

Wow, I love to bargin shop, but I always have a hard time with coupons. I love using them when I remember I have them. Usually when I go to the store I've got the kids and I try to do anything and everything to keep them happy and that usually means they disassemble my wallet. And Audrey loves to eat paper, so needless to say when I do remember I have them they are normally half eaten:) But after seeing how much you save I might have to put some more effort into it. I will try to call you maybe next week about setting up a playdate, as of July my daycare load is next to nothing.

the mama bird diaries said...

That is seriously, ridiculously cheap. I need Edy's ice cream coupons. Got any of those?

Nasinec Family said...

Crazy! Good job Kel!

Jen said...

Are you giving lessons?! ...I'm not kidding! :) I am seriously impressed and need to start playing the coupon game! Way to go!