Monday, January 26, 2009

Jensen's Cuisine

Any of you have been around Jensen realize that he's kind of a "bird" when it comes to eating. Sort of choosy about what he eats, when he eats, etc. Don't get me wrong...give him something of his liking and watch out. Take avocado for instance. He can easily eat a whole one within minutes. Yogurt...LOVES vanilla ("blue") and ate 5 in a row one night for dinner. The other night though Joe and I were laughing because our "picky" eater has really odd likings when it comes to food. Items such as balsamic vinegar, mustard and bouillon cubes (don't ask). We had a whole list and now I can't remember them, but will add on later!


Unknown said...

Now I know why we always called him J-Bird. Love that smile

Katie said...

No baby yet??? I've been checking your blog lots to see! Glad I'm not the only one with picky eaters...ugh! Jace has grown out of it a little, Cade, he's another story. He better watch out because Maddie's gonna catch him on weight if he doesn't start eating! We actually keep threatening with the "feeding tube" since he's too familiar with that! Cruel, I know. Keep me informed on #3!!! I can't wait :)

The Davis Family said...

What a cute pic! Hope to hear baby news soon!